GMAC 2010 – Call For Papers

janvier, 21, 2010

Second Workshop Grids Meet Autonomic Computing (GMAC’10)
Associated with the 7th International Conference on Autonomic Computing & Communications
Washington DC, USA, 7 June 2010

Full paper submission: 15 February 2010
Author notification: 15 March 2010
Final version due: April 2010

The design of effective and efficient Dynamic Distributed Applications is one of the key challenges shared by Cloud Computing and Grids. A special focus of this second edition of GMAC will thus be application-level autonomics.
Production grids and experimental grid infrastructures have accumulated a precious experience concerning the needs of e-Science applications, the limitations of the current infrastructures, environments and practices, and the successes and pitfalls of real-world deployments. Autonomic Computing offers the principled methods to address the Self-Optimization, Self-Configuration, Self-Protection and Self-Healing issues inseparable from ultra-high scale applications. Confronting these experiences will contribute to the convergence between Autonomic research, Cloud Computing, and Grids.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
* Use of  Autonomic Techniques in Distributed Computing
* Self-Adaptive Applications (Enterprise, Internet, and Computational Science)
* Programming Abstractions and Patterns for Autonomic Applications
* Software Engineering, Programming Tools for Autonomic Applications
* Autonomic Cloud Computing  & Exploring Autonomics as a way to support the possible convergence between clouds and grids
* Application-level Quality of Service
* Experiences with large-scale deployments of applications.

Full papers (a maximum of 10 pages in length) are invited. The GMAC proceedings will be published with the ICAC proceedings. At least one author of each accepted submission must attend the workshop.

Cécile Germain-Renaud LRI, France
Shantenu Jha, LSU and eSI Edinburgh, USA
Charles Loomis, EGEE, CERN
Program Committee
Thierry Coupaye, Orange labs, France
Manish Parashar  Rutgers U.., USA
Omer Rana, Cardiff Univ., UK Rizos Sakellariou, University of Manchester, UK
Lorenza    Saitta UNIPM, Italy
Ramin Yahyapour Dortmund U., Deutschland

Picture: courtesy of Abby Blank