Academic productivity?

septembre, 6, 2009

Jose Quesada is a cognitive science researcher working at the Adaptive Behavior and Cognition group, Max Planck Institute, Berlin. He’s  writing about productivity and research in a blog entitled « academic productivity« . I cannot really say that I agree with what he writes in his blog. Even if he focuses on productivity in an academic environment, there is no solid justification of why being productive is important. Nevertheless Jose says on his home page:  » I express what I think it is to do conscious science in the 21st century. It may not be what most people think « .

I do not resist to show you his vision of what is productive and of what is not in his researcher’s profession (the original post on his blog, dating of  january 2007).


The conclusion for Jose Quesada is to « set a time quota for productive time a day (or week) and do the same for unproductive time ». And even if I disagree on the classification, I strongly agree with this advice.

Picture: courtesy of Abby Blank