septembre, 28, 2009

Sometimes writing a paper can be a real pain in the neck, but the worst is when it is a pain to actually submit a paper. Sometimes conference management systems are really strict. This is for instance the case of EDAS. If you submit a paper using EDAS, maybe you will read this: The PDF file uses PDF version 1.4, however only 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 is allowed. it means that you hve to convert your PDF file to a more recent version of PDF. It took me half an hour to find a way to do that, so here is […]
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CFP, Level 3 |

septembre, 21, 2009

For more information, you should go on the conference website. It’s in Australia, a very nice venue! Tremendous advances in processing, communication and systems/middleware technologies are leading to new paradigms and platforms for computing, ranging from computing Clusters to widely distributed Grid and emerging Clouds. CCGrid is a series of very successful conferences, sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Scalable Computing (TCSC) and ACM, with the overarching goal of bringing together international researchers, developers, and users and to provide an international forum to present leading research activities and results on a broad range of topics related to […]
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CFP, Level 3 |

septembre, 14, 2009

Here is a brute force copy of a part of the call for papers for WWW2010, probably the most famous conference in the field. The complete call for papers is here. WWW2010, the premier international conference on Web research, calls for outstanding submissions along the following tracks: Original and creative research papers, theoretical and/or practical “Application and experience” papers involving novel, large, deployed systems Tutorial proposals on any topic of interest to the community Workshop proposals on any topic that is strongly related to WWW, but too nascent to cover thoroughly in the main conference Demonstrations of potentially high-impact, innovative […]
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CFP, Level 3 |