janvier, 14, 2012

Comme tous les ans, l’association CESAMES co-organise la conférence internationale « Complex Systems Design & Management (CSDM) » avec l’aide de la chaire Ecole Polytechnique – Thales « Ingénierie des systèmes complexes ». Cette année, je quitte le comité d’organisation pour rentrer dans le comité de programmes, je vous enjoins donc à envoyer vos meilleurs articles sur les systèmes complexes. Complex Systems Design & Management 2012 – 12-14 Décembre 2012 – Paris
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CFP, Level 1 |

décembre, 23, 2010

Il est maintenant le temps de vous intéresser à CSDM 2012 ! Je vous ai déjà parlé ici de la conférence CSDM (Complex Systems Design & Management) dont l’édition 2010 a été un succès, avec par exemple la note moyenne attribuée à l’ensemble de la conférence qui avoisine 8/10 dans le questionnaire de satisfaction. Le communiqué de MEGA, sponsor de l’évènement, nous dit que : A l’issue de cette première édition, les organisateurs affichent leur satisfaction. « Nous nous étions fixés 3 objectifs, explique Daniel Krob, président de CESAMES & professeur de l’Ecole Polytechnique. Le premier était de faire venir […]
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CFP, Level 2, Miscellaneous |

octobre, 31, 2010

Breaking news : le site de CSDM 2012 est en ligne ! Voilà, la conférence CSDM (Complex Systems Design & Management) 2010 vient à peine de se terminer que je viens vous annoncer que l’édition 2011 aura lieu du 7 au 9 décembre 2011. Je suis toujours dans le comité d’organisation, en charge de la bonne marche de l’infrastructure web. Pour en savoir plus, nous venons de mettre en ligne le site de CSDM. Toutes les informations seront mises en ligne au fur et à mesure, mais les dates importantes sont d’ors et déjà connues. Important dates deadline optionnelle de […]
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CFP, Level 1, Miscellaneous |

mai, 19, 2010

The Second Symposium on Innovations in Computer Science (ICS 2011) will be held in Beijing, China, January 7-9, 2011, with a welcome reception on January 7. Innovations in Computer Science (ICS) is a new conference in theoretical computer science (TCS), broadly construed. ICS seeks to promote research that carries a strong conceptual message (e.g., introducing a new concept or model, opening a new line of inquiry within traditional or cross-disciplinary areas, or introducing new techniques or new applications of known techniques). ICS welcomes all submissions, whether aligned with current TCS research directions or deviating from them. ICS is a public […]
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CFP, Level 3 |

mai, 6, 2010

The 21st International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2010) will be held in Jeju Island, Korea, December 15-17, 2010. The symposium is intended to provide a forum for researchers working in algorithms and theory of computation. Papers presenting original research in the areas of algorithms and theory of computation are sought. Papers in relevant applied areas are also welcome. http://tclab.kaist.ac.kr/~isaac10/home.html Topics The topics include, but are not limited to: – Algorithms and data structures – Approximation algorithms – Combinatorial optimization – Computational biology – Computational complexity – Computational geometry – Cryptography – Experimental algorithms – Graph drawing and graph […]
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CFP, Level 3 |

avril, 30, 2010

IEEE PerCom, now in its ninth edition, is established as the premier annual scholarly venue in the areas of pervasive computing and communications. Pervasive computing and communications has evolved into an active area of research and development, due to the tremendous advances in a broad spectrum of technologies and topics including wireless networking, mobile and distributed computing, sensor systems, RFID technology, and the ubiquitous mobile phone. PerCom 2011 will be held in Seattle, which is the primary gateway to the pacific northwest of the United States, famous for its breathtaking natural beauty and diversified city culture. PerCom 2011 will provide […]
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CFP, Level 3 |

avril, 29, 2010

ICDM ’10: The 10th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining *************************************************************** Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society December 13-17, 2010, Sydney, Australia http://datamining.it.uts.edu.au/icdm10 Call for Papers =============== Important Dates *************** May 06, 2010: Deadline for workshop proposals May 06, 2010: Deadline for ICDM contest proposals Jul 02, 2010: Deadline for full paper submission Jul 13, 2010: Deadline for demo proposals, tutorial proposals, and proposals Sep 10, 2010: Notification of acceptance Oct 04, 2010: Camera-ready copies and copyright release forms The IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) has established itself as the world’s premier research conference in data mining. The […]
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CFP, Level 3 |

avril, 24, 2010

************************************************************************ 28th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science STACS 2011 – CALL FOR PAPERS March 10-12, 2011, Dortmund, Germany http://stacs2011.de/ ************************************************************************ SCOPE ******** Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research on theoretical aspects of computer science. Typical areas include (but are not limited to): * Algorithms and data structures, including: parallel and distributed algorithms, computational geometry, cryptography, algorithmic learning theory; * Automata and formal languages; * Computational and structural complexity; * Logic in computer science, including: semantics, specification, and verification of programs, rewriting and deduction; * Current challenges, for example: biological computing, quantum computing, […]
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CFP, Level 3 |

avril, 23, 2010

SecCo 2010 Paris, France Monday, August 30th, 2010 http://www.win.tue.nl/~kostas/SecCo2010/ Affiliated with Concur 2010 IMPORTANT DATES =============== Papers due: June 1st, 2010 Notification: July 9th, 2010 Final paper due: July 23rd, 2010 Workshop: August 30th, 2010 BACKGROUND, AIM AND SCOPE ========================= Emerging trends in concurrency theory require the definition of models and languages adequate for the design and management of new classes of applications, mainly to program either WANs (like Internet) or smaller networks of mobile and portable devices (which support applications based on a dynamically reconfigurable communication structure). Due to the openness of these systems, new critical aspects come into […]
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CFP, Level 3 |

avril, 19, 2010

The aim of this eleventh edition of the conference series on Web Information Systems Engineering is to provide an international forum for researchers, professionals, and industrial practitioners to share their knowledge in the rapidly growing area of Web technologies, methodologies and applications. Previous WISE conferences were held in Hong Kong, China (2000), Kyoto, Japan (2001), Singapore (2002), Roma, Italy (2003), Brisbane, Australia (2004), New York, USA (2005), Wuhan, China (2006), Nancy, France (2007), Auckland, New Zealand (2008), and Poznan, Poland (2009). The proceedings of WISE 2010 will be published in 2 separate volumes by Springer in its Lecture Notes in […]
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CFP, Level 3 |