Constants matter

décembre, 19, 2009

Today I am writing a very small post to encourage you (my beloved readers) to directly go to Richard Lipton’s blog to read this very good post The 3 percent solution. Richard Lipton (professor of Computer Science at Georgia Tech) is talking about a question that arises in its mind about the role of theory w.r.t. real world problems. Indeed, using again and again $latex \cal O$ notation to assess the interest of our work, don’t we loose something? I often tell to my students that the choice of a sorting algorithm in practice does not only depend on the […]

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PODC 2010 – Call For Papers

décembre, 9, 2009

PODC is probably one of the best conference for distributed computing, here is the call for papers for PODC 2010. CFP in pdf Papers are to be submitted electronically, following the guidelines available on the conference web page. Note that abstracts of regular papers must be submitted one week before the full papers; Note also that the deadlines are firm. A submission for a regular presentation must report on original research. Papers submitted for regular presentations must contain results that have not previously appeared, and have not been concurrently submitted to a journal or conference with published proceedings. Any partial […]

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New paper on compressive sensing

décembre, 3, 2009

Together with Alexandre Borghi and Jérome Darbon, we wrote a paper entitled Exact Optimization for the $latex l^1$-Compressive Sensing problem using a Modified Dantzig-Wolfe method. the paper is available as a UCLA CAM Report here: cam09-101.pdf Here is the abstract: This paper considers the $latex l^1$-Compressive Sensing problem and presents an efficient algorithm that computes an exact solution. The idea consists in reformulating the problem such that it yields a modified Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition that allows to efficiently apply all standard simplex pivoting rules. Experimental results show the superiority of our approach compared to standard linear programming methods. Comments are more […]

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Software engineer position at Laboratoire APC

décembre, 2, 2009

I am part of the ANR MIDAS project, and we’re hiring: We search for a dedicated individual to work on an implementation of a numerical library devised for the purpose of the data analysis of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data sets. CMB is one of the most exciting and dynamically developing areas of modern cosmology as it provides a unique opportunity to explore the very early Universe. The data analysis of CMB data sets is central to its successful exploration. New CMB data sets of unprecedented quality and volume are anticipated within the next few years and their analysis will […]

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Picture: courtesy of Abby Blank